Thinking About Getting a
Butler Building?

Pre-engineered construction is an outstanding way to improve your project with a cost-effective and quality product that results in a faster turnaround. This can be especially true for all structural designs, and we are proud to partner with the best manufacturer in the business: Butler Manufacturing. Butler’s structural, wall, and metal roof systems are ideal for religious, manufacturing, athletic, and community facilities.
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Butler Express Mezz™ System

Work with EBI to get your next mezzanine project off the ground! Whether you need light loads for office space or heavy loads for storage, Butler’s Express Mezz System provides the flexibility to meet your needs. Add the Express Mezz to your building project or order a standalone system.

  • No welding is required for any Express Mezz parts, reducing install time.
  • Match your Butler Building with an Express Mezz finished in Butler primer paint or G30 galvanized finish.
  • Standard module sizes: 8’ x 8’ up to 28’ x 28’ in 4-foot increments.
  • Two standard heights: 9’ or 10’ clearance from the underside of perimeter beams.
  • Six economical floor surface options, including ResinDek options which include pallet jack ratings up to 2800 pounds, one 4” cast-in-place concrete flooring option, and a 3/4″ board option.
  • Ask us about flooring options!
  • Butler’s Express Mezz System is freestanding, so you can order it for an existing structure or with a new building.